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Eden Project Chick Pea

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Chickpeas make very attractive plants, with feathery foliage and pretty veined flowers, followed by pods containing 2 fresh chickpeas which can be used in a variety of Tuscan recipes. Try Tuscan soup with chick peas, chopped tomatoes, garlic, rosemary, balsamic vinegar and Parmesan cheese. Chick peas give a distinctive nutty flavour to minestrone and curries too, and are an essential ingredient of hummus. Chick peas dry brilliantly for use during the winter months, and the quality of your home-grown chickpeas will often be far superior to many canned ones you can buy.

Annual: Choose a sunny position in the garden. Sow 2 cm deep in seed compost under cover in early spring to get a head start or sow direct outside from late spring to early summer so they pop up after the risk of frost has passed. Make sure to grow them in well-prepared, well weeded composted ground as they like a bit of moisture in the soil.

Approx 70 seeds

Eden Project Chick Pea
GBP Sterling £ 2.69
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