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50Hertz Tingly Sichuan Pepper Peanuts

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These peanuts are buzzing, flavourful, unique and memorable, unlike any other products on the market. We find them especially good with a cold beer or a fruity cocktail. A great conversation starter, it's also a great gift to bring to a party.

50Hertz's mission has always been to introduce a new sensory experience in food. To that end, they have selected premium peanuts and seasoned them with red and green Sichuan peppers. The tingling sensation is pronounced at the first bite. The peanuts themselves come from Kaifeng in Henan province in eastern China. Kaifeng is famous in history as one of the ancient capitals of China. Peanuts grown there are renowned for being big, plump and crunchy. They are seasoned with red and green Sichuan peppers for the aroma and that unmistakably tingling sensation. Not spicy, just tingly, a wonderful companion to a cold beer and a fruity cocktail.

Ingredients: Premium peanut, soybean oil, salt, green sichuan pepper, red sichuan pepper, chilli pepper, sugar, rosemary extract, sucralose, sodium glutamate.

Size: 155g

50Hertz Tingly Sichuan Pepper Peanuts
GBP Sterling £ 8.00
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