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Togarashi Shichimi 100g

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Shichimi Togarashi encompasses the essence of Japanese cuisine. It contains seven bold ingredients: red chilliesorange peel, black sesame seeds, white sesame seeds, sansho pepper, ginger and nori flakes. These ingredients work in perfect harmony to add colour, flavour and balanced heat to dishes.

Shichimi Togarashi is also known as Nanami Togarashi, Japanese seven spice, seven spice powder or Japanese seven pepper spice. Use the Japanese spice mix to flavour soups, udon and soba noodles, yakiniku, rice and sushi rolls.

Try mixing it through some yoghurt to make dips, or sprinkle over fried potatoes and even freshly made popcorn!

Ingredients: red peppers, yuzu peel, black sesame, seaweed aonori (enteromorpha), Sansho (zanthxylum piperitum ), hemp seeds, poppy seeds


Togarashi Shichimi 100g
GBP Sterling £ 7.95
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